Discovery: Printer at work= the god of printers. So crisp and so clean! I finished up my odd keys (along with reprinting R and Alt) and sealed them. The tiny buttons I left a white background, thinking teeny white numbers would get lost in the black. They discolored a bit, but they look a little like marble. ...Sweet? After a test with the other keys, they looked nice and almost antiquey so I'm keeping them. I wish I had gotten a shot before I went on working on the keyboard. I found some contact sticky-paper that I covered the touch-pad, mouse buttons and the negative space by the arrow keys. The contact paper doesn't interfere with the touch-pad, and it has a nice metallic grain.
Off to correct my mistakes with a different tool and a more critical eye. This time, for my frame, I cut the large strip of moulding into smaller sections: Back, front, 2 sides. After I measured everything around 8 times, maybe 9, I beveled one side, then remeasured. I did this with every piece until everything was even and perfect. Each piece was then cut in half and matched to its partner with a number (1-4, not hard stuff). I didn't construct the frame, however. Last time, I shot nails into the sides and it smushed the hell out of it. I'm going to use small L-brackets to screw in from the inside. Hopefully this won't disturb the staining along with not destroying it. I also need to drill the air vents and what-not. I hope I don't screw this up again.
So, I went through all my receipts and calculated a cool of $104.17 in total. The reason for the jump was that I wanted to leave out the costs of something til I used that something, but then I forgot what and how much that something cost. Now it's all in, 104 huh? Hmmm.....No! I mustn't waver from my Dellcinea!
- Hours: 3 - 21 in total
- Cost: 1 pair of very cute pumps, or 2 decently priced pair of boots...