Man, it's been a while! I recently moved, so packing and settling in took up some time, then I just got around to thinking about my Delcinea again. So sorry for the tardy, my love.
This won't be a big update, sad to say, but I've gotten over a bump in the road. I was debating what I should do with the CD tray: If I should somehow attach the tray and the wood, like Datamancer or make a cut out of the side completely. After looking over my frame, I have a considerable gap between the frame and the laptop bottom (because the top is larger and overhangs a little), and decided just to cut out a gap for it. Well, that would look kinda ugly...but then I remembered my pretty shrapnel from my tissue box that I could mold to the curves of the frame and make a little hatch of sorts. With tiny hinges and a small magnet, it could open whenever I want to use the CD tray. Simple enough, right? For now I suppose.
Cutting out the middle of this 2" piece of wood was a different sort of story. Thought it would be fairly simple. Drill a guide hole, slip a hand saw in there, saw. Not so much. The angle created by the saw gave me 2 directions to saw in. Tried 2 other jigsaws. One broke, one was not functioning properly, finally found a Ryobi that did the trick (Oh Ryobi, I adopt you as my Sancho). It drills and saws, forgot what it was called. So it did the trick, but it sounded like the lambs were screaming. Eventually it was cut and done though, and I filed the edges smooth. I did this to the CD port and the back of the frame for all the random holes and vents, then I glues and screwed the whole frame together.
That's about all I got done, took forever though! I'll be posting more later!
- Hours: about 3, stupid saws... - 28 total
- Cash: 106.82